

提供创新, 价值, 为当今的下一代企业提供卓越的终端用户体验

成立于2010年, mStart is a leading IT company specializing in MSP services that power businesses across the Adriatic region. 它的总部设在克罗地亚,并在斯洛文尼亚等国设有办事处, 塞尔维亚, 黑山共和国, 和波黑. As part of the Agrokor Group—which operates more than 100 companies internationally—mStart also provides for all the group’s technology needs. mStart offers the most advanced software solutions and services for businesses in a variety of sectors such as: agriculture, 制造业, 零售, 批发, 和分布. 超过340名start IT专业人员提供技术专业知识, 包括最新的电子商务和支付交易, ensuring that their over 60 clients are successful in making today’s digital transformation a reality.

  • 客户信息:私人控股,340+员工,60+客户
  • 网络管理软件:企业
  • 自2018年11月起成为实体客户

协助客户掌握最新资讯科技, 如今,msp正在发展成为不仅仅是十大赌博正规老平台提供商. An innovative and progressive MSP can ensure their clients stay competitive and at the same time achieve business success. mStart’s talented IT professionals are poised to help their clients understand the 价值 of new technologies and how to simultaneously assist their end-users to get the most from them.

以取得这个新的咨商地位, mStart realized that their network management tool kit was not able to effectively move them ahead. 使用多重未积分, 旧的软件解决方案不允许一个有效的管理平台. 单独的网络监控工具由于没有集成而产生了更多的工作, 关键信息不能从一个产品共享到另一个产品. 例如, it was not possible to share fault management details with a configuration management solution, 使得快速查看问题的根本原因变得更加困难

Outlining their key challenges led mStart to adjust how they wanted to approach network management so as to expand the services they could offer. 他们认为这个商业计划需要解决的领域包括:

  • 替换他们三个关键的独立网络管理工具-故障, 配置管理和网络监控的一体化解决方案. 整合他们的工具集将立即提供更多的可见性, 敏捷性和有效的管理方式
  • The rapid expansion of mStart’s customer base requires an MSP network management feature set that accommodates faster onboarding, 主动问题检测, SLA指标, multi-tenancy for segmenting clients and the ability to easily add new technology and device support
  • Incorporating best practices for network and application path management—add a structured management strategy to enhance network management for their 客户.
  • 实时视图和分析确保为客户提供出色的十大赌博正规老平台.

选择最适合mStart及其不断增长的客户需求- entuity
经过一个全面的选择过程,其中包括一些软件产品, Entuity (ENA)是由mStart IT团队选择的. “Our two top priorities were that the new solution consolidate our monitoring tools and that it be truly user-friendly,克里斯蒂安·西克说, mStart网络部门的负责人. “Entuity Network Analytics has given us operational efficiency with its fully integrated solution. 例如, we can compare configurations from the Configuration and Inventory Administration Modules which helps us determine where there have been configuration changes automatically. 这大大减少了花在手工上的时间, 重复的任务使我们成为客户积极主动的IT顾问.”


推动新业务意味着简化MSP客户端入职流程,从而实现快速, 顺利过渡到mStart的环境,以获得坚实的初始客户体验. Onboarding also must include an approach to handle the varied business requirements for their clients. 没有两个企业是相同的. Using Entuity, mStart simply adds new clients and customizes what is essential for each client. 例如, 利用Entuity的SLA性能指标, 在向客户验证MSP十大赌博正规老平台时,哪些是至关重要的, mStart为每个客户端创建一组自定义报告. This enables accuracy and transparency for them to understand how their services are performing, where improvements can be made and provides them with relevant data providing a baseline for future IT needs.

为mStart客户提供成功的工具-有价值的分析, 端到端可见性和管理最佳实践

Access to real-time performance metrics and topology maps are also important MSP prerequisites. Entuity supports the managing of multiple businesses through multi-tenancy and automatically updates network topology maps allowing mStart clients to fully understand what is occurring on their network at any given time. 例如,拓扑图可以显示哪里发生了变化, 网络中有非法设备加入,影响性能? Real-time analytics from Entuity gives mStart the visibility to recommend the best business decision for individual 客户.

“We find that creating a set of best practices using ENA for our clients helps them understand the IT management process and delivers a solid strategy to keep their networks operating optimally. IT is unpredictable and that’s why it is important to have a plan in place to document each client’s network and associated services,克里斯蒂安说. “ENA’s SurePath Module has given us another tactic to ensure application performance is not being held back by the network. Clients can now see where a critical application’s data is traveling back and forth on the network and where there are issues. ENA SurePath的加入确保了这一点, 例如, e-commerce applications are running smoothly and are not impacting sales revenue with poor performance.”

mStart is taking advantage of the many innovative Entuity features that help ensure solid network performance for their clients. 例如, customizable reports show data that can provide significant savings in hardware costs. Using the Switch Post Connectivity and Capacity Reports can help spot where there is available capacity before purchasing additional devices. Not only will clients get reliable network performance but also CapEx costs can be better monitored for smart budget spending and planning.

mStart正在通过Entuity实现其MSP扩张业务计划. Entuity enables the mStart team to attain this vision through efficient network management and offering IT services that allow their 客户 to stay competitive as they move into the digital world.  为客户提供可快速扩展的现代解决方案, 以及, 准确的分析, outstanding service delivery and an innovative MSP feature set that can reflect their clients’ unique requirements, 企业是mStart不断增长的MSP业务的基础. mStart with surely continue to be a trusted partner for companies in the Adriatic region looking to outsource their IT functions.  他们的创新,功能和专业知识是成功的MSP的标志. 了解更多关于Entuity,看看这个备受赞誉的 企业网管软件 今天能帮到你的组织吗!

拥抱数字化世界观, Entuity为不断变化的企业提供数字网络分析. 我们的高度自动化, 统一, 企业级解决方案将深入的网络洞察置于您的指尖, 使IT人员能够专注于战略项目, 并且很容易与主流框架环境集成. Entuity的支持和十大赌博正规老平台团队经常因其快速反应而受到称赞, 网络专业知识和参与特殊活动.